New journal paper "Improving access to clinical practice guidelines with an interactive graphical interface using an iconic language"
I have published a new journal paper:
[j24] Pereira S, Hassler S, Hamek S, Boog C, Leroy N, Beuscart-Zéphir MC, Favre M, Venot A, Duclos C, Lamy JB. Improving access to clinical practice guidelines with an interactive graphical interface using an iconic language. BMC medical informatics and decision making 2014;14(1):77
Soya 3D 3-0.1!
Here is the first stable release (0.1) of Soya 3D 3! Soya is a 3D engine for Python 3.
The most strinking new features are:
Support for the latest Python 3.4 and Blender 2.70
Vertex shaders and pixel shaders ( more information here)
Improved performance: the rendering process has been entirely rewritten, using vertex buffer object (VBO)
Fullscreen antialiasing
Per-pixel lighting and cellshading
GPL v3 license
MIE 2014 Poster : ontologies, clinical trials and automatic bias detection
Here is the poster I presented at MIE 2014, entitled Toward an ontology-based system for the automatic detection of biases and weaknesses in drug clinical trial results.
PDF version: mie2014_poster.pdf.
Soya 3D version 3 on Bitbucket!
Soya is a 3D engine for Python. The first version of Soya was used in several games including Slune, Balazar and Balazar Brother. Several attempts for writing a second version failed, mainly due to lack of time. Today, the new upcoming version 3 is now available on Bitbucket!
The most strinking new features are:
Support for the latest Python 3.4 and Blender 2.70
Vertex shaders and pixel shaders : Soya divides shaders in no less than 20 mini-shaders, allowing to modify a specific part of the rendering without bothering with the rest; additionaly a Pythonic syntax can be used for writing shaders!
Improved performance: the rendering process has been entirely rewritten, using vertex buffer object (VBO)
Fullscreen antialiasing
Per-pixel lighting and cellshading
GPL v3 license
The development version of Soya 3 can be found on Bitbucket. This version has been tested only under Linux, but it should compile under all major platforms. First screenshots of a secret game project using Soya 3 can be seen here: Secret project.
Secret project
Is it the first images of a secret game project ? Possibly using the Soya 3D engine ?
éClaircie 0.1
The first release of éClaircie, the static and cloud-less blog engine, is available! You can download it here: Download at PyPI
My website is back
I am opening my new personal site and blog, called The flowers of evidence (Les fleurs du normal in French). Since everything is "normal" and "evident" today (even our president claims so!), why not the flowers?
The Hardblog engine was old and aged, therefore this site uses éClaircie, my new engine for 100% static and cloud-less blogs. éClaircie is based on Sphinx.
This site integrates the content of my two former sites:
OOmadness (Free software site)
La terre vue d'ailleurs (blog and personal site, mostly in French)
New journal paper "Evaluating alignment quality between iconic language and reference terminologies using similarity metrics"
I have published a new journal paper:
[j22] Griffon N, Kerdelhué G, Soualmia LF, Merabti T, Grosjean J, Lamy JB, Venot A, Duclos C, Darmoni SJ. Evaluating alignment quality between iconic language and reference terminologies using similarity metrics. BMC medical informatics and decision making 2014;14:17
New journal paper "Design and usability study of an iconic user interface to ease information retrieval of medical guidelines"
I have published a new journal paper:
[j21] Griffon N, Kerdelhué G, Hamek S, Hassler S, Boog C, Lamy JB, Duclos C, Venot A, Darmoni SJ. Design and usability study of an iconic user interface to ease information retrieval of medical guidelines. Journal of the american medical informatics association 2014;21(e2):e270-7
A simple Javascript image viewer
Here is a very simple but functional Javascript image viewer (< 2ko) with no dependency (not even JQuery).
It is used by éClaircie. For a demonstration, please see the following page: Screenshots.
The source code is available in the second part of this post.
PyMedTermino 0.2 has been released !
PyMedTermino (Medical Terminologies for Python) is a Python module for easy access to the main medical terminologies in Python.
PyMedTermino 0.2 has been released ; this version is updated with the latest SNOMED CT and fix a bug in the computation of the lowest common ancestors of a concept.
It can be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):
PyMedTermino 0.1 has been released !
PyMedTermino (Medical Terminologies for Python) is a Python module for easy access to the main medical terminologies in Python.
PyMedTermino 0.1 has been released and can be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index):
BibReview 0.1.1
BibReview is a software for managing bibliographic database. Here is the latest version 0.1.1, in time for the preparation of IMIA Yearbook 2014!
New chapter "A medical informatics perspective on clinical decision support systems"
I have published a new book chapter:
[x12] Bouaud J, Lamy JB. A medical informatics perspective on clinical decision support systems. Findings from the yearbook 2013 section on decision support. Yearbook of medical informatics 2013;8(1):128-31