Total des publications : 131, dont :

journal 77 articles de journaux (dont journalif 27 articles dans des journaux internationaux à facteur d'impact, et confjourn 45 articles de conférences publiés dans le journal 'Studies in health technology and informatics')

conf 77 articles de conférences

other 22 autres (livres, chapitres de livre, rapports, thèses, brevets...)

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preprint [p6] Mouazer A, Dubois S, Léguillon R, Boudegzdame N, Levrard T, Le Bars Y, Simon C, Séroussi B, Grosjean J, Lelong R, Letord C, Darmoni S, Sedki K, Meneton P, Tsopra R, Falcoff H, Lamy JB. A randomized simulation trial evaluating ABiMed, a clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2409.01903 2024

journal [j76] Kouame A, Lamy JB, Ehoule K. Original Strategy for Verbatim Collecting Knowledge from Mostly-Illiterate and Secretive Experts : West Africa Traditional Medicine’s Case. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 2024;15(7)

preprint [p5] Jammal M, Saab A, Abi Khalil C, Mourad C, Tsopra R, Saikali M, Lamy JB. Impact on clinical guideline adherence of Orient-COVID, a CDSS based on dynamic medical decision trees for COVID19 management: a randomized simulation trial. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2407.11205 2024

confjourn [j77] Boudegzdame N, Sedki K, Lamy JB. Supporting pharmacist-GP collaboration in medication review using argumentation. Studies in health technology and informatics (STC) 2024

confjourn [j75] Albarrán R, Lamy JB. Integrating category theory reasoning into OMOP-CDM ontology model. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2024;316:1427-1431


preprint [p4] Mouazer A, Léguillon R, Boudegzdame N, Levrard T, Le Bars Y, Simon C, Séroussi B, Grosjean J, Lelong R, Letord C, Darmoni S, Schuers M, Sedki K, Dubois S, Falcoff H, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. ABiMed: An intelligent and visual clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management. Arxiv preprint arXiv:2312.11526 2023

preprint [p3] Lamy JB, Mouazer A, Sedki K, Dubois S, Falcoff H. Adaptive questionnaires for facilitating patient data entry in clinical decision support systems: Methods and application to STOPP/START v2. Arxiv preprint arxiv:2309.10398 2023

confjourn [j74] Mouazer A, Boudegzdame N, Sedki K, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. Model and strategy for predicting and discovering drug-drug interactions. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2023;302:726-730

conf [c75] Boudegzdame N, Sedki K, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. SMOTE: Apprenons-nous à classifier ou à prédire la nature synthétique des données ? Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle (RJCIA 2023) 2023

conf [c74] Lamy JB, Jammal M, Saikali M, Mourad C, Abi Khalil C, Saab A. Fisheye visualization and multi-path trees for presenting clinical practice guidelines: Methods and application to Covid-19 (presentation). International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2023

conf [c73] Sedki K, Boudegzdame N, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Learning preferences in lexicographic choice logic. ICAART (International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence) 2023;3:1012-1019


journalif [j73] Saab A, Abi Khalil C, Jammal M, Saikali M, Lamy JB. Early prediction of all-cause clinical deterioration in general ward patients: development and validation of a biomarker-based machine learning model derived from Rapid Response Team activations. Journal of Patient Safety 2022;18(6)

journalif [j72] Mouazer A, Tsopra R, Sedki K, Letord C, Lamy JB. Decision-support systems for managing polypharmacy in the elderly: A scoping review. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2022;130:104074

journal [j70] Ritchie JB, Frey L, Lamy JB, Bellcross C, Morrison H, Schiffman JD, Welch BM. Automated clinical practice guideline recommendations for hereditary cancer risk using chatbots and ontologies: System description. JMIR Cancer 2022;8(1):e29289

confjourn [j71] Mouazer A, Sedki K, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. Speak-PIM, towards a framework for the automatic detection of potentially inappropriate prescriptions. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2022;294:460-464

conf [c71] Sedki K, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Qualitative choice logic for modeling experts recommendations of antibiotics. FLAIRS conference 2022


journalif [j66] Lamy JB. A data science approach to drug safety: Semantic and visual mining of adverse drug events from clinical trials of pain treatments. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2021;115:102074

preprint [p2] Ritchie JB, Frey L, Lamy JB, Bellcross C, Morrison H, Schiffman JD, Welch BM. Enabling patients to receive clinical practice guideline recommendations for hereditary cancer risk using chatbots, family history, application programming interfaces (API), ontologies, and Owlready2: System description. Preprint 2021

confjourn [j69] Mouazer A, Leguillon R, Leroy B, Sedki K, Simon C, Falcoff H, Schuers M, Dubois S, Bousquet C, Soualmia L, Letord C, Darmoni S, Bouaud J, Séroussi B, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. ABiMed: Towards an innovative clinical decision support system for medication reviews and polypharmacy management. Studies in health technology and informatics (ICIMTH) 2021;289:61-64

confjourn [j68] Lamy JB, Mouazer A, Sedki K, Tsopra R. Translating the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership - Common Data Model (OMOP-CDM) electronic health records to an OWL ontology. Studies in health technology and informatics (MEDINFO) 2021;290:76-80

confjourn [j67] Sedki K, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. A qualitative method for learning medical expert reasoning. Studies in health technology and informatics (MEDINFO) 2021;290:645-649

confjourn [j65] Mouazer A, Sedki K, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. Visual comparison of guidelines: Method and application to potentially inappropriate medication lists. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2021;281:248-252

other [x22] Lamy JB. Ontologies with Python. Book (350 pages) 2021, Apress

conf [c66] Pelayo S, Bouaud J, Blancafort C, Lamy JB, Sekar BD, Larburu N, Muro N, Ribate AU, Belloso J, Valderas G, Guardiola S, Ngo C, Teixeira L, Guézennec G, Séroussi B. Preliminary qualitative and quantitative evaluation of DESIREE, a decision support platform for the management of primary breast cancer patients. Proc AMIA Annual Symposium 2021


journalif [j63] Marcilly R, Douze L, Ferré S, Audeh B, Bobed C, Lillo-Le Louët A, Lamy JB, Bousquet C. How to interact with medical terminologies? Formative usability evaluations comparing three approaches for supporting the use of MedDRA by pharmacovigilance specialists. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020;20:261

journalif [j60] Bouaud J, Pelayo S, Lamy JB, Prébet C, Ngo C, Teixeira L, Guezennec G, Séroussi B. Implementation of an ontological reasoning to support the guideline-based management of primary breast cancer patients in the DESIREE project. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2020;108:101922

journalif [j54] Lamy JB, Sedki K, Tsopra R. Explainable decision support through the learning and visualization of preferences from a formal ontology of antibiotic treatments. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2020;104C:103407

journalif [j53] Tsopra R, Courtine M, Sedki K, Eap D, Cabal M, Cohen S, Bouchaud O, Mechaï F, Lamy JB. AntibioGame®: A serious game for teaching medical students about antibiotic use. International Journal of Medical Informatics 2020;136:104074

journalif [j51] Lamy JB, Tsopra R. RainBio: Proportional visualization of large sets in biology. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2020;26(11):3285-3298

journal [j64] Mbaye F, Lamy JB, Sembene M. Identifying the mitochondrial DNA mutations that cause cancer. Research Outbreak 2020;117:50-53

preprint [p1] Lamy JB. A data science approach to drug safety: Semantic and visual mining of adverse drug events from clinical trials of pain treatments. Arxiv preprint arxiv:2006.16910 2020

confjourn [j62] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Favre M, Tsopra R. Limits and variability in drug databases: Lessons learnt from drug comparisons. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2020;270:1329-1330

confjourn [j61] Sedki K, Lakrafli C, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Identifying experts reasoning in antibiotic treatment with preference learning. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2020;270:1313-1314

confjourn [j59] Saab A, Saikali M, Lamy JB. Comparison of machine learning algorithms for classifying adverse-event related 30-day hospital readmissions: Potential implications for patient safety. Studies in health technology and informatics (ICIMTH) 2020;272:51-54

confjourn [j58] Diallo AH, Camara G, Lo M, Diagne I, Lamy JB. Iconic visualization of sickle cell patients current and past health status. Studies in health technology and informatics (ICIMTH) 2020;272:71-74

confjourn [j57] Lamy JB. Visualization of potential drug synergies. Studies in health technology and informatics (ICIMTH) 2020;272:91-94, Best paper

confjourn [j56] Mouazer A, Sedki K, Tsopra R, Lamy JB. Visualization of drug interactions for supporting medication review. Studies in health technology and informatics (ICIMTH) 2020;272:107-110

confjourn [j55] Sedki K, Lakrafli C, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. An approach based on preference learning for identifying experts reasoning in antibiotic treatment. Studies in health technology and informatics (ICIMTH) 2020;272:115-118

confjourn [j52] Kouame A, Brou KM, Lo M, Lamy JB. Visual representation of African traditional medicine recipes using icons and a formal ontology, ontoMEDTRAD. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2020;270:791-795

conf [c64] Sedki K, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Learning preferences in Prioritized Qualitative Choice Logic. International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2020;368-375

conf [c63] Lamy JB. Comparison of four visual analytics techniques for the visualization of adverse drug event rates in clinical trials (presentation). International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2020

conf [c55] Lamy JB, Jay F. Combiner arbres phylogénétiques et visualisation d’ensembles (presentation). Atelier Visualisation d’informations, Interaction, et Fouille de données (VIF) 2020

conf [c53] Lamy JB, Sekar B, Guezennec G, Bouaud J, Séroussi B. Intelligence artificielle explicable pour le cancer du sein : Une approche visuelle de raisonnement à partir de cas (presentation). Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC) 2020


journalif [j48] Lamy JB. Visualizing undirected graphs and symmetric square matrices as overlapping sets: Methods and application to character co-occurrences graphs and matrices in novels and DBpedia. Multimedia Tools and Applications 2019;78(23):33091-33112

journalif [j47] Tsopra R, Sedki K, Courtine M, Falcoff H, De Béco A, Madar R, Mechaï F, Lamy JB. Helping GPs to extrapolate guideline recommendations to patients for whom there are no explicit recommendations, through the visualization of drug properties. The example of AntibioHelp® in bacterial diseases. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2019;26(10):1010-1019

journalif [j43] Lamy JB, Sekar B, Guezennec G, Bouaud J, Séroussi B. Explainable artificial intelligence for breast cancer: a visual case-based reasoning approach. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2019;94:42-53

journal [j50] Toure S, Mbaye F, Gueye MD, Fall M, Dem A, Lamy JB, Sembene M. Somatic mitochondrial mutations in oral cavity cancers among senegalese patients. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention (APJCP) 2019;20(7):2203-2208

journal [j49] Séroussi B, Lamy JB, Prebet C, Ngo C, Teixeira L, Ugarriza A, Sekar B, Larburu N, Muro N, Guézennec G, Bouaud J. Une plateforme multimodale d’aide à la décision : Application à la prise en charge du cancer du sein dans le cadre du projet DESIREE. Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI) 2019;accepté

confjourn [j46] Diallo AH, Camara G, Lamy JB, Lo M, Diagne I, Makalou D, Diop M, Doupa D. SIMENS-LIS4SC, a laboratory information system for biological tests of sickle cell screening and healthcare. Studies in health technology and informatics (MEDINFO) 2019;264:611-615

confjourn [j45] Lamy JB, Thuy VB, Lillo-Le Louët A, Bousquet C. An iconic approach to the browsing of medical terminologies. Studies in health technology and informatics (MEDINFO) 2019;264:213-217, Best paper

confjourn [j44] Diallo AH, Camara G, Lamy JB, Lo M, Diagne I, Makalou D, Diop M, Doupa D. Toward an information system for sickle cell neonatal screening in Senegal. Studies in health technology and informatics (STC) 2019;258:95-99

other [x21] Tsopra R, Mechaï F, Sedki K, Lamy JB. AntibioHelp®, an innovative clinical decision support system for improving antibiotic prescriptions in primary care. APUA Newsletter 2019;37(2):3-5

other [x20] Lamy JB. Python et les ontologies. Livre (310 pages) 2019, Éditions ENI

other [x19] Ritchie JB, Frey L, Lamy JB, Morrison H, Welch BM. Using ontology-driven decision support for hereditary cancer risk assessment. Poster at AMIA annual symposium 2019

other [x18] Lamy JB. Artificial Feeding Birds (AFB): a new metaheuristic inspired by the behavior of pigeons. Advances in nature-inspired computing and applications 2019;43-60, Springer

conf [c52] Lamy JB, Sekar B, Guezennec G, Bouaud J, Séroussi B. Hierarchical visual case-based reasoning for supporting breast cancer therapy (presentation). International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME) 2019

conf [c51] Lamy JB, Sedki K, Tsopra T. Apprentissage de préférences à partir d'une ontologie formelle : méthodes et application en antibiothérapie (presentation). Actes du congrès d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC2019) 2019;125-139

conf [c50] Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Visual explanation of simple neural networks using interactive rainbow boxes (presentation). International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2019

conf [c49] Diallo AH, Camara G, Lo M, Diagne I, Lamy JB. Proportional visualization of genotypes and phenotypes with rainbow boxes: methods and application to sickle cell disease (presentation). International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2019

conf [c45] Lamy JB. Dynamic software visualization of quantum algorithms with rainbow boxes (presentation). International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) 2019


journalif [j42] Sekar B, Lamy JB, Larburu N, Seroussi B, Guézennec G, Bouaud J, Muro N, Wang H, Liu J. Case-based decision support system for breast cancer management. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems 2018;12(1):28-38

journalif [j40] Tsopra R, Lamy JB, Sedki K. Using preference learning for detecting inconsistencies in clinical practice guidelines: methods and application to antibiotherapy. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2018;89:24-33, IMIA Yearbook 2019 best paper in decision support

confjourn [j41] Séroussi B, Lamy JB, Muro N, Larburu N, Sekar BD, Guézennec G, Bouaud J. Implementing guideline-based, experience-based, and case-based approaches to enrich decision support for the management of breast cancer patients in the DESIREE project. Studies in health technology and informatics (STC) 2018;255:190-194

confjourn [j39] Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Combining semantic and lexical methods for mapping MedDRA to VCM icons. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2018;247:905-909

confjourn [j38] Ugon A, Hadj Bouzid AI, Jaulent MC, Favre M, Duclos C, Jobez E, Falcoff H, Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Building a knowledge-based tool for auto-assessing the cardiovascular risk. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2018;247:735-739

other [x17] Lamy JB. The great table of Description Logics and formal ontology notations. Technical report 2018

conf [c44] Sekar B, Lamy JB, Muro N, Pinedo AU, Seroussi B, Larburu N, Guézennec G, Bouaud J, Masero FG, Arrúe M, Wang H. Intelligent clinical decision support systems for patient-centered healthcare in breast cancer oncology. Workshop on decision support systems for oncology at IEEE Healthcom 2018

conf [c42] Lamy JB. Visualizing symmetric square matrices with rainbow boxes: methods and application to character co-occurrence matrices in literary texts (presentation). International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2018;344-349, Best paper

conf [c41] Lamy JB. A new diagram for amino acids: User study comparing rainbow boxes to Venn/Euler diagram (presentation). International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2018;361-366

conf [c38] Lamy JB, Sekar B, Guezennec G, Bouaud J, Séroussi B. Raisonnement à partir de cas visuel : méthodes et application au traitement du cancer du sein. Atelier Visualisation d’informations, Interaction, et Fouille de données (VIF) 2018


journalif [j37] Lamy JB, Soualmia LF. Formalization of the semantics of iconic languages: An ontology-based method and four semantic-powered applications. Knowledge-Based Systems 2017;135:159-179

journalif [j36] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Capron C, Favre M. Rainbow boxes: a new technique for overlapping set visualization and two applications in the biomedical domain. Journal of Visual Language and Computing 2017;43:71-82

journalif [j35] Lamy JB. Owlready: Ontology-oriented programming in Python with automatic classification and high level constructs for biomedical ontologies. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2017;80:11-28

journalif [j34] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Favre M, Ugon A, Duclos C, Venot A. Using visual analytics for presenting comparative information on new drugs. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2017;71:58-69

confjourn [j33] Tsopra R, Kinouani S, Venot A, Jaulent MC, Duclos C, Lamy JB. Design of a visual interface for comparing antibiotics using rainbow boxes. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2017;235:529-533, Best paper

other [x16] Lamy JB. Représentation, iconisation et visualisation des connaissances : Principes et applications à l'aide à la décision médicale. (HDR) 2017

conf [c37] Séroussi B, Guézennec G, Lamy JB, Muro N, Larburu N, Sekar BD, Prebet C, Bouaud J. Reconciliation of multiple guidelines for decision support: a case study on the multidisciplinary management of breast cancer within the DESIREE project. Proc AMIA Annual Symposium 2017

conf [c36] Lamy JB, Ugon A, Duclos C, Venot A, Berthelot H, Favre M. Une plate-forme visuelle pour une information comparative sur les nouveaux médicaments. Actes du congrès d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC) 2017

conf [c35] Lamy JB, Tsopra R. Translating visually the reasoning of a perceptron: the weighted rainbow boxes technique and an application in antibiotherapy. International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2017;:256-261, Best paper

conf [c34] Lamy JB. Les oiseaux picorant artificiels : une nouvelle méta-heuristique inspirée du comportement des pigeons. Actes des Journées d'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (JIAF) 2017

conf [c32] Lamy JB, Ugon A, Berthelot H, Favre M. A visual decision support system for helping physicians to make a decision on new drugs. Decision Support Systems VII. Data, information and knowledge visualization in decision support systems, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 2017;282:3-15, Springer


journal [j31] Lamy JB, Soualmia LF, Duclos C, Venot A. Formalisation de la sémantique des langages iconiques : méthode à base d'ontologie et applications. Revue d’intelligence artificielle (RIA) 2016;30(5):579-606

confjourn [j32] Lamy JB, Ugon A, Berthelot H. Automatic extraction of drug adverse effects from product characteristics (SPCs): A text versus table comparison. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (MIE) 2016;228:339-343

confjourn [j30] Lamy JB. Ontology-Oriented Programming for Biomedical Informatics. Studies in health technology and informatics (STC) 2016;221:64-68

other [x15] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Ugon A, Kraiem L, Badra F, Duclos C, Venot A. Rapport scientifique du projet VIIIP (Visualisation Intégrée de l'Information sur l'Innovation Thérapeutique). 2016

conf [c31] Kouame A, Lamy JB, Brou KM, Lo M. Modelization of recipe in African traditional medicine with visual ontology approach, iconic sketch. Africomm conference 2016;304-312

conf [c29] Kouame A, Brou KM, Lo M, Lamy JB. Vers un système iconique d’aide à la décision pour les praticiens de la médecine traditionnelle. Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques (CARI 2016) 2016

conf [c27] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Favre M. Rainbow boxes: a technique for visualizing overlapping sets and an application to the comparison of drugs properties. International Conference Information Visualisation (iV) 2016;:253-260

conf [c26] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Favre M. Les boîtes arc-en-ciel : une nouvelle technique pour visualiser les relations hiérarchiques dans les ontologies. Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA) 2016;75-82


journalif [j27] Lamy JB, Séroussi B, Griffon N, Kerdelhué G, Jaulent MC, Bouaud J. Toward a Formalization of the Process to Select IMIA Yearbook Best Papers. Methods of information in medicine 2015;54(2):135-44

confjourn [j29] Ugon A, Berthelot H, Venot A, Favre M, Duclos C, Lamy JB. Abstractive Summarization of Drug Dosage Regimens for Supporting Drug Comparison. Studies in health technology and informatics (IMTH) 2015;213:79-82

confjourn [j28] Lamy JB, Venot A, Duclos C. PyMedTermino: an open-source generic API for advanced terminology services. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2015;210:924-928

conf [c24] Lamy JB, Ugon A, Favre M, Duclos C, Venot A, Berthelot H. Comparaison et visualisation des contre-indications des médicaments. Actes du 3ème Symposium Ingénierie de l’Information Médicale (SIIM) 2015

conf [c23] Lamy JB, Berthelot H. Ontopy : programmation orientée ontologie en Python. Actes du congrès d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC2015) 2015;195-200


journalif [j24] Pereira S, Hassler S, Hamek S, Boog C, Leroy N, Beuscart-Zéphir MC, Favre M, Venot A, Duclos C, Lamy JB. Improving access to clinical practice guidelines with an interactive graphical interface using an iconic language. BMC medical informatics and decision making 2014;14(1):77

journalif [j22] Griffon N, Kerdelhué G, Soualmia LF, Merabti T, Grosjean J, Lamy JB, Venot A, Duclos C, Darmoni SJ. Evaluating alignment quality between iconic language and reference terminologies using similarity metrics. BMC medical informatics and decision making 2014;14:17

journalif [j21] Griffon N, Kerdelhué G, Hamek S, Hassler S, Boog C, Lamy JB, Duclos C, Venot A, Darmoni SJ. Design and usability study of an iconic user interface to ease information retrieval of medical guidelines. Journal of the american medical informatics association 2014;21(e2):e270-7

confjourn [j26] Simon C, Hassler S, Beuscart-Zephir MC, Favre M, Venot A, Duclos C, Lamy JB. Using an iconic language to improve access to electronic medical records in general medicine. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2014;205:333-7

confjourn [j25] Lamy JB, Berthelot H, Favre M, Venot A, Duclos C. Toward an Ontology-Based system for the Automatic Detection of Biases and Weaknesses in Drug Clinical Trial Results. Studies in health technology and informatics (MIE) 2014;205:1197

confjourn [j23] Sedki K, Duclos C, Lamy JB. A Preference-based framework for medical decision making (MIE). Studies in health technology and informatics 2014;205:63-7

other [x14] Bouaud J, Lamy JB. A 2014 medical informatics perspective on clinical decision support systems: do we hit the ceiling of effectiveness? Yearbook of medical informatics 2014;9(1):163-6

other [x13] Duclos C, Burgun A, Lamy JB, Landais P, Rodrigues JM, Soualmia L, Zweigenbaum P. Medical Vocabulary, Terminological Resources and Information Coding in the Health Domain. Medical Informatics, e-Health - Fundamentals and Applications 2014;11-42, Springer

conf [c21] Vaillant P, Lamy JB. Using graph transformation algorithms to generate natural language equivalents of icons expressing medical concepts. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 2014;LNAI 8655:353–362

conf [c17] Lamy JB, Soualmia LF, Venot A, Duclos C. Validation de la sémantique d'un langage iconique médical à l'aide d'une ontologie : méthodes et applications. Actes du congrès d’Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC2014) 2014


journalif [j17] Lamy JB, Soualmia LF, Kerdelhué G, Venot A, Duclos C. Validating the semantics of a medical iconic language using ontological reasoning. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2013;46(1):56-67

confjourn [j20] Yasini M, Ebrahiminia V, Duclos C, Venot A, Lamy JB. Comparing the use of SNOMED CT and ICD10 for coding clinical conditions to implement laboratory guidelines. Studies in health technology and informatics (STC) 2013;186:200-4

confjourn [j19] Yasini M, Duclos C, Venot A, Lepage E, Lamy JB. A guideline-derived model to facilitate the implementation of test-ordering rules within a hospital information system. Studies in health technology and informatics (MEDINFO) 2013;192:719-23

confjourn [j18] Lamy JB, Tsopra R, Venot A, Duclos C. A Semi-automatic Semantic Method for Mapping SNOMED CT Concepts to VCM Icons. Studies in health technology and informatics (MEDINFO) 2013;192:42-6

other [x12] Bouaud J, Lamy JB. A medical informatics perspective on clinical decision support systems. Findings from the yearbook 2013 section on decision support. Yearbook of medical informatics 2013;8(1):128-31

conf [c16] Ebrahiminia V, Yasini M, Lamy JB. Mapping ASTI patient's therapeutic-data model to virtual Medical Record: can VMR represent therapeutic data elements used by ASTI in clinical guideline implementations? AMIA Symposium 2013;2013:372-8


journal [j16] Lamy JB, Beuscart-Zéphir MC, Boog C, Darmoni S, Favre M, Guigue L, Hamek S, Hassler S, Kerdelhué G, Leroy N, Mitouard T, Pereira S, Simon C, Venot A, Duclos C. Langage iconique et interfaces interactives en médecine : application aux dossiers patients, guides de bonnes pratiques et moteurs de recherche médicaux. IRBM 2012;33(2):129-136

confjourn [j15] Tsopra R, Lamy JB, Venot A, Duclos C. Design of an original interface that facilitates the use of clinical practice guidelines of infection by physicians in primary care. Stud Health Technol Inform 2012;180:93-7

other [x11] Lamy JB, Venot A, Duclos C. VCM: an iconic and compositional representation of medical concepts. Poster AMIA Conference 2012

other [x10] Duclos C, Burgun A, Lamy JB, Landais P, Rodrigues JM, Soualmia L, Zweigenbaum P. Le vocabulaire médical, les ressources terminologiques, le codage de l'information en santé. Informatique Médicale, e-Santé - Fondements et applications 2012, Springer

conf [c12] Lamy JB, Beuscart-Zéphir MC, Boog C, Darmoni S, Favre M, Guigue L, Pinaud N, Hamek S, Hassler S, Kerdelhué G, Iordatii M, Kergosien Y, Leroy N, Mitouard T, Pereira S, Simon C, Duclos C, Venot A. Langage Iconique et Interfaces Interactives pour la Médecine. Colloque ANR TecSan 2012


journal [j13] Bencherif S, Khau S, Bloede F, Lamy JB, Falcoff H. Adaptation du traitement chez les patients hypertendus. Exercer 2011;22(97):88

confjourn [j14] Yasini M, Duclos C, Lamy JB, Venot A. Facilitating access to laboratory guidelines by modeling their contents and designing a computerized user interface. Studies in health technology and informatics 2011;169:487-91, Best paper

confjourn [j12] Lamy JB, Ebrahiminia V, Seroussi B, Bouaud J, Simon C, Favre M, Falcoff H, Venot A. A generic system for critiquing physicians' prescriptions: usability, satisfaction and lessons learnt. Stud Health Technol Inform 2011;169:125-129


journalif [j10] Lamy JB, Ebrahiminia V, Riou C, Séroussi B, Bouaud J, Simon C, Dubois S, Butti A, Simon G, Favre M, Falcoff H, Venot A. How to translate therapeutic recommendations in clinical practice guidelines into rules for critiquing physician prescriptions? Methods and application to five guidelines. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2010;10:31

confjourn [j11] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Hamek S, Beuscart-Zéphir MC, Kerdelhué G, Darmoni S, Favre M, Falcoff H, Simon C, Pereira S, Serrot E, Mitouard T, Hardouin E, Kergosien Y, Venot A. Towards iconic language for patient records, drug monographs, guidelines and medical search engines. Stud Health Technol Inform (MEDINFO) 2010;160:156-60

other [x9] Lamy JB, Ellini A, Nobécourt J, Venot A, Zucker JD. Testing methods for decision support systems. Decision support systems 2010;87-98, Jao, C.S., Intech

other [x8] Kerdelhué G, Lamy JB, Venot A, Duclos C, Darmoni S. An iconic language for the ’CISMeF Bonnes pratiques’ website. Poster EAHIL conference 2010


journalif [j9] Toussi M, Lamy JB, Le Toumelin P, Venot A. Using data mining techniques to explore physicians’ therapeutic decisions when clinical guidelines do not provide recommendations: methods and example for type 2 diabetes. BMC medical informatics and decision making 2009;9:28

journal [j8] Falcoff H, Benainous O, Gillaizeau F, Favre M, Simon C, Desfontaines E, Lamy JB, Venot A, Seroussi B, Bouaud J, Durieux P. Développement et étude d’impact d’un système informatique de tableaux de bord pour le suivi des pathologies chroniques en médecine générale. Pratiques et organisation des soins 2009;40(3):177-189

conf [c7] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Venot A. De l’analyse d’un corpus de texte à la conception d’une interface graphique facilitant l’accès aux connaissances sur le médicament. Actes des 20es Journées Francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances 2009;265-276, PUG, Best paper


journalif [j5] Lamy JB, Venot A, Bar-Hen A, Ouvrard P, Duclos C. Design of a graphical and interactive interface for facilitating access to drug contraindications, cautions for use, interactions and adverse effects. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2008;8:21

journalif [j4] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Bar-Hen A, Ouvrard P, Venot A. An iconic language for the graphical representation of medical concepts. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2008;8:16

journal [j7] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Rialle V, Venot A. Vers une méthodologie rigoureuse de conception des langages graphiques s’appuyant sur les sciences cognitives. Revue d’intelligence artificielle (RIA) 2008;22(3-4):265-280

confjourn [j6] Lamy JB, Ellini A, Ebrahiminia V, Zucker JD, Falcoff H, Venot A. Use of the C4.5 machine learning algorithm to test a clinical guideline-based decision support system. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2008;136:223-228

conf [c5] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Venot A. Quelles applications pédagogiques pour un langage graphique médical ? Congrès Internet et Pédagogie pour les Sciences de la Santé et du Sport (IP3S2008) 2008


other [x7] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Venot A. Graphical representation of medical knowledge (European patent EP 2018620 A1). 2007


other [x6] Lamy JB. Vers un langage graphique de représentation des connaissances sur les médicaments. 2006

other [x5] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Venot A. Graphical representation of medical knowledge (US Patent US20090265188). 2006

other [x4] Lamy JB. Conception et évaluation de méthodes de visualisation des connaissances médicales : Mise au point d’un langage graphique et application aux connaissances sur le médicament. 2006

conf [c4] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Rialle V, Venot A. Vers une méthode rigoureuse de conception des langages graphiques s’appuyant sur les sciences cognitives. 4ème atelier visualisation et extraction de connaissances, 6èmes journées francophones d’Extraction et de Gestion des Connaissances 2006, Poulet, F. and Le Grand, B.


confjourn [j3] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Rialle V, Venot A. Which graphical approaches should be used to represent medical knowledge? Studies in health technology and informatics 2005;116:719-724

conf [c2] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Rialle V, Venot A. Classification et analyse critique des approches graphiques appliquées à la visualisation des connaissances médicales. Journées Francophones d’Informatique Médicale (JFIM2005) 2005;1-9


conf [c1] Lamy JB, Duclos C, Rialle V, Venot A. Quelles approches graphiques pour faciliter la diffusion des connaissances médicales ? 5ème congrès Internet et Pédagogie Médicale (IPM 2004) 2004;39-40


journalif [j2] Rialle V, Lamy JB, Noury N, Bajolle L. Telemonitoring of patients at home: A Software Agent approach. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 2003;72(3):257-268

journal [j1] Rialle V, Noury N, Bajolle L, Lamy JB, Virone G, Duchêne F, Moha N, Demongeot J. Le concept d’Habitat Intelligent pour la Santé: considérations techniques et scientifiques pour un service médico-social. Revue de Gériatrie 2003;28(5):403-416

other [x3] Lamy JB. Reconnaissance de scénarios, application à la télé-surveillance médicale à domicile. 2003


other [x2] Lamy JB. Télé-surveillance : de l’analyse temporelle à la reconstitution par réalité virtuelle. Journée Francophone d'Informatique Médicale (JFIM) 2002;Poster, Best poster

other [x1] Lamy JB. Télé-surveillance médicale: conception d’un système d’analyse temporelle, validation par simulation et reconstitution par réalité virtuelle. 2002