Owlready2 0.39 est disponible !
Owlready2 est un module Python pour la programmation orientée ontologie. Il permet de charger des ontologies OWL 2.0 et de les manipuler de manière transparente en Python.
Voici les modifications :
Make RDF triple deletion non-ontology-specific
Faster creation of individual with property value (e.g. MyClass(prop = [value]))
Bugfixes: - Fix entity.prop.remove(x) and entity.prop = x when existing values are defined in another ontology than the entity - Fix inverse property update when referenced entity is destroyed (thanks Franzlst) - Prevent reasoners from reparenting OWL base entities such as Thing - Fix the reloading of an ontology that has been destroyed, when a local filename is provided as the ontology base IRI - Fix destroying object property involved in a property chain - Fix reloading of ontologies when the IRI of the ontology was a local filename - Fix SELECT * in SPARQL coumpound queries - Fix Class.get_class_properties() when some properties are defined as restriction on an Inverse property - Fix for RDFlib 0.6.2 (supports bind() override optional argument)
La nouvelle version peut être téléchargé sur PyPI (Python Package Index) : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Owlready2
Nouvel article "Enabling patients to receive clinical practice guideline recommendations for hereditary cancer risk using chatbots, family history, application programming interfaces (API), ontologies, and Owlready2"
J'ai publié un nouvel article :
[j70] Ritchie JB, Frey L, Lamy JB, Bellcross C, Morrison H, Schiffman JD, Welch BM. Enabling patients to receive clinical practice guideline recommendations for hereditary cancer risk using chatbots, family history, application programming interfaces (API), ontologies, and Owlready2: System description. Preprint 2021