Nouvel article "Early prediction of all-cause clinical deterioration in general ward patients"
J'ai publié un nouvel article :
[j73] Saab A, Abi Khalil C, Jammal M, Saikali M, Lamy JB. Early prediction of all-cause clinical deterioration in general ward patients: development and validation of a biomarker-based machine learning model derived from Rapid Response Team activations. Journal of Patient Safety 2022;18(6)
Admis au concours de l'INSERM
J'ai été reçu au concours CRCN de l'INSERM !
Après 13 ans de bons et loyaux services à l'université, je vais donc passer chercheur à temps plein.
Owlready2 0.38 est disponible !
Owlready2 est un module Python pour la programmation orientée ontologie. Il permet de charger des ontologies OWL 2.0 et de les manipuler de manière transparente en Python.
Voici les modifications :
Accepts localized language codes, such as fr_FR or fr_BE, and wildcard fr_any
Add 'update_is_a' optional args to Ontology.destroy()
Bugfixes: - Fix individual.INVERSE_prop update when prop is functional - Fix performance regression on complex SPARQL queries with OPTIONAL - Fix declare_datatype after a World has been closed - Fix Pellet reasoning on blank nodes (ignoring them) - Fix Pellet reasoning on strings data property that include comma "," - Fix boolean constant 'true' and 'false' in SPARQL engine - Fix INSERT SPARQL queries with UNION that insert RDF triples without variables - Fix SPARQL queries with only a FILTER NOT EXISTS in the WHERE part - Accept empty lines at the beginning of NTriple files - Support non-ASCII characters when parsing SWRL rules
La nouvelle version peut être téléchargé sur PyPI (Python Package Index) :
Nouvel article "Decision-support systems for managing polypharmacy in the elderly"
J'ai publié un nouvel article :
[j72] Mouazer A, Tsopra R, Sedki K, Letord C, Lamy JB. Decision-support systems for managing polypharmacy in the elderly: A scoping review. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2022;130:104074
Owlready2 0.37 est disponible !
Owlready2 est un module Python pour la programmation orientée ontologie. Il permet de charger des ontologies OWL 2.0 et de les manipuler de manière transparente en Python.
Voici les modifications :
Add World.forget_reference(entity)
Add NamedIndividual (for SPARQL results on rdf:type)
Add 'update_relation' optional args to Ontology.destroy()
Add Ontology.set_base_iri() and Ontology.base_iri = "new_base_iri"
Bugfixes: - Fix SPARQL queries having a UNION but using no variable from the UNION - Fix SPARQL queries on read only quadstores - Fix SPARQL queries mixing OPTIONAL and VALUES / STATIC - Fix property defined as a subproperty of TransitiveProperty (and the like), but not of type ObjectProperty - Fix importlib.reload(owlready2) - Fix RDF/XML serialization of individuals whose class name start by a digit - Fix RDF/XML serialization when ontology base IRI ends with / - Fix Or.Classes = ... and And.Classes = ... - Fix ONLY class properties with more than two values
La nouvelle version peut être téléchargé sur PyPI (Python Package Index) :