Owlready2 0.39 has been released!
Owlready is a Python module for ontology-oriented programming. It can load OWL 2.0 ontologies and manipulate them transparently in Python.
Here are the changes:
Make RDF triple deletion non-ontology-specific
Faster creation of individual with property value (e.g. MyClass(prop = [value]))
Bugfixes: - Fix entity.prop.remove(x) and entity.prop = x when existing values are defined in another ontology than the entity - Fix inverse property update when referenced entity is destroyed (thanks Franzlst) - Prevent reasoners from reparenting OWL base entities such as Thing - Fix the reloading of an ontology that has been destroyed, when a local filename is provided as the ontology base IRI - Fix destroying object property involved in a property chain - Fix reloading of ontologies when the IRI of the ontology was a local filename - Fix SELECT * in SPARQL coumpound queries - Fix Class.get_class_properties() when some properties are defined as restriction on an Inverse property - Fix for RDFlib 0.6.2 (supports bind() override optional argument)
The new version be downloaded from PyPI (Python Package Index): https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Owlready2