Owlready2 0.15 est disponible !

Owlready2 est un module Python pour la programmation orientée ontologie. Il permet de charger des ontologies OWL 2.0 et de les manipuler de manière transparente en Python.

Cette nouvelle version corrige principalement les bogues de la 0.14.

Voici les modifications :

  • Can infer data property values when reasoning with Pellet

  • Optimize searches with 'type =', 'subclass_of =', or 'is_a =' parameters

  • Add Property.range_iri

  • Add _case_sensitive parameter to search()

  • Add inverse property support in RDFlib support

  • Show Java error message when reasoners crash

  • Bugfixes: - Consider inverse property in get_properties() - Fix parsing bug in reasoning with HermiT and infer_property_values = True - Namespace prefix support in RDFlib binding - Fix dupplicates values when a relation involving a property with inverse is asserted in both directions - Better workaround in case of metaclass conflict - Fix 'sqlite3.OperationalError: too many SQL variables' in searches with 'type =', 'subclass_of =', or 'is_a =' parameters

La nouvelle version peut être téléchargé sur PyPI (Python Package Index) : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Owlready2